Steve Hackett’s first days on tour – SOCIAL & VIDEOS

Steve Hackett, 2019 tour. Social & Videos.


Steve Hackett NOW on tour in Italy – SPECIAL – CLICK HERE.

First days on tour. Social Networks:


Setlist in Ostende

Every Day
Under the Eye of the Sun
Fallen Walls and Pedestals
Beasts in Our Time
The Virgin and the Gypsy
Spectral Mornings
The Red Flower of Tachai Blooms Everywhere
Clocks – The Angel of Mons

#2 (Selling England by the Pound):
Dancing With the Moonlit Knight
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)
Firth of Fifth
More Fool Me
The Battle of Epping Forest
After the Ordeal
The Cinema Show
Aisle of Plenty
Deja Vu

Dance on a Volcano
Myopia / Slogans / Los Endos


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Steve Hackett in tour in Italia – INTERVISTA ESCLUSIVA

Steve Hackett arriva in Italia con il suo tour 2019. E racconta a Horizons Radio lo spirito di questa lunga serie di concerti. 


By D.B. & Saimon P.

Partenza il 22 aprile da Ostenda, in Belgio. Steve e la sua band si esibiscono in 31 spettacoli in 17 paesi.

H.R.: Steve, sei di nuovo in viaggio. Non ti stanchi mai di questa vita on the road?

S.H.: Essere in viaggio ha fatto parte della mia vita per così tanto tempo. È sempre una gioia suonare per tutti e amo essere sul palco con la fantastica band che lavora con me.

Dopo una settimana il tour arriva in Italia. Ecco le date, che prevedono anche il VIP Meet & Greet con Steve:

29 Aprile – Teatro Brancaccio Roma  Tickets 

30 Aprile – Teatro Europauditorium Bologna – Tickets

2 Maggio – Teatro Colosseo Torino – Tickets 

3 Maggio – Teatro Creberg Bergamo – Tickets 

Steve ha anche aggiunto altre quattro date estive in luglio. Quella fiorentina prevede uno speciale Vip Pack ricco di possibilità per i fan. Eccole:

14 luglio – Arena del Mare, Genova –Tickets

16 luglio – Parco San Valentino, Pordenone –Tickets

17 luglio – Piazza Sordello, Mantova – Tickets

18 luglio – Piazza Santissima Annunziata, Firenze – Tickets

18 luglio – Piazza Santissima Annunziata, Firenze – Vip Pack Steve Hackett Genesis Revisited – Tickets
Il Gold Package include:
– Un biglietto di Primo Settore
– Catering con buffet
– Carnet di ingressi e riduzioni per mostre, musei e attività culturali
– Visita guidata ai luoghi d’arte legati al progetto MusArt

H.R.: Steve, sei contento di tornare in Italia? C’è una città italiana in particolare in cui sei felice di suonare?

S.H.: Adoro sempre tornare in Italia. Le persone sono sempre così accoglienti e abbiamo molti amici lì. Adoro ogni città italiana! L’Italia è un paese incredibilmente bello con borghi e città spettacolari.

Per la prima volta in assoluto, Steve esegue l’album dei Genesis Selling England By The Pound nella sua totalità. 

H.R.: Che tipo di legame hai con Selling England By The Pound? Qual è il tuo brano preferito? 

S.H.: Selling England By The Pound è sempre stato il mio album di Genesis preferito perché in quel momento tutto si stava sviluppando musicalmente per noi. La mia canzone preferita è Dancing With The Moonlit Knight, che attraversa così tante affascinanti modifiche. 

H.R.: Hai riscoperto la “missing songDéjà Vu iniziata Peter Gabriel e ultimata da te per Genesis Revisited 1. Come viene cantata da Nad?

S.H.: Nad canta splendidamente su Déjà Vu. Sembra incredibile durante le prove. È una meravigliosa esibizione di quella straordinaria “missing song” di Selling England.

H.R.: Hai dichiarato che ai tempi di Selling England By The Pound sentivi che stavi suonando la chitarra nella migliore band del mondo, e  che tutte le porte si stavano aprendo per voi; che atmosfera c’era nella band allora?

S.H.: La band era molto felice in quel momento. Sentivamo che il mondo si stava aprendo per noi e noi eravamo molto creativi musicalmente.

Saranno comunque presenti nello show anche altri brani classici dei Genesis.

H.R.: Quali?

S.H.: Dance on a Volcano e Los Endos. Selling England con l’aggiunta di Déjà Vu occuperà la maggior parte del set dedicato ai Genesis.

Inoltre il 2019 segna il 40° anniversario di uno degli album solisti più famosi di Hackett, Spectral Mornings, e Steve celebrerà giustamente questa pietra miliare eseguendo alcuni dei capolavori dell’album.

H.R.: Che tipo di legame hai con Spectral Mornings? E’ un album che esegui molto  in concerto. Avremo dele sorprese?

S.H.: Anche se amo tutti allo stesso modo, Spectral Mornings è sempre stato un album speciale per me e anche per molti fan. Eseguiremo alcune canzoni suonate in tempi recenti come Every Day, Spectral Mornings e Clocks, ma anche brani non suonati da molto tempo come Virgin and the Gypsy, Tigermoth e The Red Flower Of Tai Chi Blooms Everywhere.

E ovviamente non mancano brani del nuovo album di Steve,  At The Edge Of Light, uscito nel gennaio 2019, accolto ottimamente da critica e pubblico.

H.R.: Che tipo di scelta hai fatto sui brani di At The Edge Of Light? E’ stato doloroso lasciarne qualcuno fuori?

S.H.: Ho scelto quelle tracce che penso funzionino meglio dal vivo. Mi piace sempre proporre parte del mio nuovo materiale per mantenere il set vitale.

Novità anche nella line-up che lo accompagna: alla batteria Craig Blundell sostituisce Gary O’Toole che ha lasciato la band nell’ottobre scorso. 

H.R.: Come va con Craig Blundell che sostituisce Gary O’Toole alla batteria? Avete avuto difficoltà con l’inserimento in una band così affiatata da anni?

S.H.: Craig si è ambientato bene sin dall’inizio. È un batterista fantastico e un ragazzo eccezionale. Siamo tutti entusiasti di averlo con noi.

Ecco quindi l’attuale line-up:

Steve Hackett: Vocals, Guitars
Roger King: Keyboards
Craig Blundell: Drums, Percussion
Rob Townsend: Saxes, flutes
Jonas Reingold: Bass, 12-string guitar
Nad Sylvan: Vocals 

H.R.: C’è qualche artista, vivo o morto, con cui ti piacerebbe collaborare? O esibirti dal vivo sul palco?

S.H.: Mi sarebbe piaciuto esibirmi dal vivo con Richie Havens, che aveva una voce e una presenza scenica così straordinarie.

H.R.: Un sacco di chitarristi ti guardano in termini di musicalità. Crescendo, hai un musicista che hai ammirato? E adesso?

S.H.: Quando ero molto giovane, era Hank Marvin dei The Shadows. Successivamente è stato Brian Jones degli Stones e in seguito ancora Jimi Hendrix. Poi ho sviluppato molto il mio stile. Ci sono ancora chitarristi che mi piacciono oggi come Joe Bonamassa.

H.R.: Come si è evoluto il tuo stile musicale nel corso degli anni? Cosa ti influenza di più?

S.H.: Inizialmente sono stato influenzato dal Blues, ma poi sono stato elettrizzato dall’esplosione di nuovi suoni di band come i Beatles, Procul Harum e King Crimson alla fine degli anni ’60. Poi con i Genesis ho apprezzato il modo in cui molti generi musicali differenti possono essere collegati e sviluppati.

H.R.: Picasso una volta disse che l’arte è una reinterpretazione di vecchi modelli, con un nuovo tocco. Diresti che questo vale anche per la musica?

S.H.: Sì, tutti i modelli di base sono stati realizzati prima, ma quando sviluppi e colleghi diversi generi e idee, dai vita a nuove forme. È qui che la musica diventa eccitante!

Un caldo ringraziamento a Steve, sempre disponibile e profondo nelle sue risposte. Per leggere l’intervista integrale in inglese CLICCA QUI.

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Steve Hackett on tour: “Being on the road has been part of my life” – FULL EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW

By D.B. & Saimon P.


H.R.: Steve, you’re back on the road. Do you ever get tired of this life on the road?

STEVE HACKETT: Being on the road has been part of my life for so long now. It is always a joy to play for everyone and I love being onstage with the fantastic band that works with me.

Are you happy to come back to Italy? Is there an Italian city in particular where you are happy to come back?

I always love to come back to Italy. The people are always so welcome and we have many friends there. I love every Italian city! Italy is an incredibly beautiful country with spectacular towns and cities.

What kind of bond do you have with Selling England By The Pound? What is your favorite song? What will you do?

Selling England By The Pound has always been my favourite Genesis album because everything was developing musically for us at that time. My favourite song is Dancing With The Moonlit Knight, which goes through so many fascinating changes. I’ll perform the whole of that album on tour, as well as most of Spectral Mornings and some of my new album At The Edge Of Light.

You’ve rediscovered the missing song Déjà Vu started by Peter Gabriel and finished by you for Genesis Revisited 1. How is it sung by Nad?

Nad sings beautifully on Déjà Vu. It sounds incredible in rehearsal. It is a wonderful performance of that amazing “missing song” from Selling England.

You stated that in the days of Selling England By The Pound you felt that you were playing the guitar in the best band in the world, and that all the doors were opening for you; what was the atmosphere in the band then?

The band was very happy at that time. We felt the world was opening up for us and we were very creative musically.

What other Genesis songs will you play?

Planning on Dance on a Volcano and Los Endos. Selling England with the addition of Déjà Vu will take up most of the Genesis set.

What kind of bond do you have with Spectral Mornings? An album that you do a lot in concert. Will you perform songs never performed?

Although I equally love recent albums I’ve made, Spectral Mornings has always been a special album for me, and also for many fans. We’ll perform some songs played in recent times like Every Day, Spectral Mornings and Clocks, but also numbers not played for a long time like Virgin and the Gypsy, Tigermoth and The Red Flower Of Tai Chi Blooms Everywhere.

What kind of choice did you make on the tracks of At The Edge Of Light? Was it painful to leave someone out?

I chose those tracks which I felt would work best live. I always like to involve some of my new material to keep the set vital.

What’s up with Craig Blundell replacing Gary O’Toole on drums? Have you had difficulty entering a band so close together for years?

Craig has settled in well from the start. He is a terrific drummer and a great guy. We’re all thrilled to have him with us.

Is there any artist, living or dead, that you would love to collaborate with? Or maybe perform live on stage?

I would have loved to perform live on stage with Richie Havens, who had such an amazing voice and stage presence.

A lot of guitar players look up to you in terms of musicianship. Growing up, did you have an musician that you looked up to? What about now?

When I was very young, it was Hank Marvin of The Shadows. Later it was Brian Jones of the Stones and later still Jimi Hendrix. Then I very much developed my own style. There are still guitarists I enjoy today like Joe Bonamassa.

How has your music style evolved over the years? What influences you the most?

I was initially influenced by Blues but then I was thrilled with the explosion of new sounds from bands like the Beatles, Procul Harem and King Crimson in the late ’60s. Then with Genesis I enjoyed the way many different musical genres could be linked and developed.

Picasso once said that art is a reinterpretation of old models, with a new twist. Would you say that that applies to music, too?

Yes, all basic models have been done before but when you develop and link different genres and ideas you give birth to new forms. That is where music gets exciting!


RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA © Copyright Horizons Radio

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Steve Hackett talks about the missing song “Déjà Vu” into the set for the upcoming tour.

Steve Hackett talks about the missing song “Déjà Vu” from Selling England By The Pound. It’s made it into the set for the upcoming tour.
“I included it as Déjà Vu on Genesis Revisited 1 with Paul Carrack on vocals plus the Royal Philharmonic…
I always felt it should have been included on the Selling England album.”

“Like a deleted scene from Selling England By The Pound there was a delicate soulful little gem that Peter Gabriel brought to the band whilst we were writing that classic Genesis album.

Many years later I mentioned the unfinished song to Pete who was happy to let me bring his idea to fruition as a co-write.

Déjà Vu will be played live at last along with those other cherished songs from Selling England By The Pound in its entirety.”

Read More on Steve Hackett Blog.

Steve Hackett, NEW album At The Edge Of Light. BUY NOW.

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 Order copies signed by Steve:

Steve Hackett, ecco i link per la prevendita su TicketOne dei biglietti per le date italiane.


From the website: 

Setting off on 22nd April, Steve and his band will perform in 31 shows in 17 countries.

For the first time ever, Steve will perform the seminal Genesis album Selling England By The Pound in its entirety. Released in 1973, the album went to No. 3 in the UK charts, has been described as ‘the definitive Genesis album.’ It includes firm favourites such as Dancing with the Moonlit KnightFirth of FifthCinema Show and, of course, I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe). Other favourite classic Genesis tracks will also feature in the show.

2019 also marks the 40th anniversary of one of Steve’s most popular solo albums Spectral Mornings and Steve will rightly celebrate this milestone by performing some of the masterpieces from the album.

Fans will also be treated to highlights from Steve’s new album, to be released in 2019. Steve explains,

 “I’m thrilled to be performing the whole of my favourite Genesis album, SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND, which caught the attention of John Lennon in 1973. I felt that I was now playing guitar in the world’s best band, and everything was opening up for us…

Also I look forward to playing all the favourite songs from SPECTRAL MORNINGS, marking its anniversary, plus new album tasters, as well as additional Genesis gems in a terrific grand slam!.”

Joining Steve on this tour are Roger King (keyboards), Gary O’Toole (drums / percussion), Rob Townsend (saxes / flutes), Jonas Reingold (bass / twelve string) and Nad Sylvan on vocals.

April 2019

22 April – Kursaal Oostende Oostende, BELGIUM – Tickets

23 April – Laeiszhalle Hamburg, GERMANY – Tickets

24 April – TonHalle Munich, GERMANY – Tickets

26 April – Hegel – Saal Stuttgart, GERMANY – Tickets

27 April – Museumsquartie Vienna, AUSTRIA – Tickets

29 April – Auditorium Conciliazione Rome, ITALY – Ticket 

30 April – Auditorium Europa Bologna, ITALY – Ticket

May 2019

2 May – Teatro Colosseo Torino, ITALY – Ticket 

3 May – Teatro Creberg Bergamo, ITALY – Ticket 

5 May – Haus Auensee Leipzig, GERMANY – Tickets

6 May – Earth Hall Poznan, POLAND – Tickets

7 May – Klub Studio Krakow, POLAND – Tickets

9 May – Compensa Hall Vilnius, LITHUANIA – Tickets

10 May – Nordea Hall Tallinn, ESTONIA – Tickets

11 May – Circus Helsinki, FINLAND – Tickets

13 May – Nalen Stockholm, SWEDEN – Tickets

14 May – Rockefeller Oslo, NORWAY – Tickets

15 May – Pustervik Gothenburg, SWEDEN – Tickets

16 May – Amager Bio Copenhagen, DENMARK – Tickets

18 May – Posten Odense, DENMARK – Tickets

19 May – Train Aarhus, DENMARK – Tickets

21 May – Lichtburg Essen, GERMANY – Tickets

23 May – Cultuurpodium Boerderij Zoetermeer, NETHERLANDS – Tickets

24 May – Cultuurpodium Boerderij Zoetermeer, NETHERLANDS – Tickets

26 May – Rockhal Club Esch-sur-Alzette, LUXEMBOURG – Tickets

27 May – Trianon Paris, FRANCE – Tickets

28 May – Volkshaus Zurich, SWITZERLAND – Tickets

29 May – Zitadelle (outdoor venue) Mainz, GERMANY – Tickets

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Angolo del Collezionista: gli album dei tour di oggi su:

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Steve Hackett on the Cruises – SOCIAL & VIDEOS UPDATES

Steve Hackett: 4 – 9 February on the Cruise To The Edge 2019, 10 – 15 Feb. On The Blue Cruise. SOCIAL & VIDEOS.

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Departing from Tampa, Florida, Cruise t the Edge is the greatest Prog Rock Vacation on Earth. 


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Next Cruise:

Brand X next dates:

Steve Hackett’s next dates: 

April 2019

22 April – Kursaal Oostende Oostende, BELGIUM – Tickets

23 April – Laeiszhalle Hamburg, GERMANY – Tickets

24 April – TonHalle Munich, GERMANY – Tickets

26 April – Hegel – Saal Stuttgart, GERMANY – Tickets

27 April – Museumsquartie Vienna, AUSTRIA – Tickets

29 April – Auditorium Conciliazione Rome, ITALY – Tickets 

30 April – Auditorium Europa Bologna, ITALY – Tickets

May 2019

2 May – Teatro Colosseo Torino, ITALY – Tickets 

3 May – Teatro Creberg Bergamo, ITALY – Tickets 

5 May – Haus Auensee Leipzig, GERMANY – Tickets

6 May – Earth Hall Poznan, POLAND – Tickets

7 May – Klub Studio Krakow, POLAND – Tickets

9 May – Compensa Hall Vilnius, LITHUANIA – Tickets

10 May – Alexela Concert Hall Tallinn, ESTONIA – Tickets

11 May – Circus Helsinki, FINLAND – Tickets

13 May – Nalen Stockholm, SWEDEN – * SOLD OUT *

14 May – Sentrum Scene Oslo, NORWAY – Tickets

15 May – Pustervik Gothenburg, SWEDEN – Tickets

16 May – Amager Bio Copenhagen, DENMARK – Tickets

18 May – Posten Odense, DENMARK – Tickets

19 May – Train Aarhus, DENMARK – Tickets

21 May – Lichtburg Essen, GERMANY – * SOLD OUT *

22 May – Cultuurpodium Boerderij Zoetermeer, NETHERLANDS – * SOLD OUT *

23 May – Cultuurpodium Boerderij Zoetermeer, NETHERLANDS – * SOLD OUT *

24 May – Cultuurpodium Boerderij Zoetermeer, NETHERLANDS – * SOLD OUT *

26 May – Rockhal Club Esch-sur-Alzette, LUXEMBOURG – Tickets

27 May – Trianon Paris, FRANCE – Tickets

28 May – Volkshaus Zurich, SWITZERLAND – Tickets

29 May – Zitadelle (outdoor venue) Mainz, GERMANY – Tickets

31 May – Hall 1, National Palace of Culture (NDK Hall 1) Sofia, BULGARIA – Tickets

June 2019

5 June – Mediterranean Conference Centre (MCC) Valletta, MALTA – Tickets

September 2019

12 September – Riviera Theatre, North Tonawanda, NY, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

13 September – State Theatre, Ithaca, NY, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

15 September – Grand Theatre de Quebec, Quebec, CANADA
Tickets (English)
Tickets (French)

17 September – Oakville Centre for Performing Arts, Oakville, CANADA – Tickets

18 September – Oakville Centre for Performing Arts, Oakville, CANADA – Tickets

20 September – Danforth Music Hall, Toronto, CANADA – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

21 September – Place des Arts Theatre Maisonneuve, Montreal, CANADA – * SOLD OUT *

22 September – Place des Arts Theatre Maisonneuve, Montreal, CANADA – Tickets

24 September – Wilbur Theatre, Boston, MA, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019 – (Pre-sale code: BOSTON)

25 September – Beacon Theatre, NYC, NY, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

26 September – The Ridgefield Playhouse, Ridgefield, CT, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

27 September – Keswick Theatre, Glenside, PA, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

28 September – Keswick Theatre, Glenside, PA, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

October 2019

1 October – Carnegie Music Hall of Homestead, Munhall, PA, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019 – (Pre-sale code: musichall)

2 October – Masonic Auditorium, Cleveland, OH, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

3 October – 20 Monroe Live, Grand Rapids, MI, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

4 October – The Pabst Theatre, Milwaukee, WI, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019 (pre-sale code: GENESIS)

5 October – The Copernicus Center, Chicago, IL, US – Tickets – Onsale: 8 February 2019

7 October – Pantages Theatre of Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019 – (Pre-sale code: WALRUS)

10 October – Moore Theatre, Seattle, WA, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019 – (Pre-sale code: WALRUS)

11 October – Vogue Theatre, Vancouver, CANADA – Tickets (pre-sale code: STEVEHACKETT)

12 October – Revolution Hall, Portland, OR, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

16 October – Fox Tucson Theatre, Tucson, AZ, US – Ticket link to follow

17 October – The Van Buren, Phoenix, AZ, US – Tickets – Onsale: 8 February 2019

18 October – Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

19 October – Crest Theatre, Sacramento, CA, US – Ticket link to follow

20 October – Fox Theater, Oakland, CA, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

November 2019

2 November – Waterside Aylesbury, UK – Tickets

3 November – Leas Cliff Hall Folkestone, UK – Tickets

5 November – City Hall Sheffield, UK – Tickets

6 November – Corn Exchange Cambridge, UK – Tickets

8 November – De Montford Hall Leicester, UK – Tickets

9 November – St. David’s Hall Cardiff, UK – Tickets

11 November – Philharmonic Liverpool, UK – Tickets

12 November – Dome Brighton, UK – Tickets

13 November – Guildhall Portsmouth, UK – Tickets

15 November – City Hall Salisbury, UK – Tickets

16 November – Hexagon Reading, UK – Tickets

18 November – Symphony Hall Birmingham, UK – Tickets

19 November – Barbican York, UK – Tickets

20 November – Forum Bath, UK – Tickets

22 November – Victoria Theatre Halifax, UK – Tickets

23 November – The Sage Gateshead, UK – Tickets

25 November – Usher Hall Edinburgh, UK – Tickets

26 November – Bridgewater Hall Manchester, UK – Tickets

27 November – Cliffs Pavilion Southend, UK – Tickets

29 November – Hammersmith Eventim Apollo London, UK – Tickets

From the website: 

Setting off on 22nd April, Steve and his band will perform in 31 shows in 17 countries.

For the first time ever, Steve will perform the seminal Genesis album Selling England By The Pound in its entirety. Released in 1973, the album went to No. 3 in the UK charts, has been described as ‘the definitive Genesis album.’ It includes firm favourites such as Dancing with the Moonlit KnightFirth of FifthCinema Show and, of course, I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe). Other favourite classic Genesis tracks will also feature in the show.

2019 also marks the 40th anniversary of one of Steve’s most popular solo albums Spectral Mornings and Steve will rightly celebrate this milestone by performing some of the masterpieces from the album.

Fans will also be treated to highlights from Steve’s new album, to be released in 2019. Steve explains,

 “I’m thrilled to be performing the whole of my favourite Genesis album, SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND, which caught the attention of John Lennon in 1973. I felt that I was now playing guitar in the world’s best band, and everything was opening up for us…

Also I look forward to playing all the favourite songs from SPECTRAL MORNINGS, marking its anniversary, plus new album tasters, as well as additional Genesis gems in a terrific grand slam!.”

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Listen to Horizons Radio #NowPlaying Live:

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Steve Hackett: USA tour dates announced for the 2019 tour

Steve Hackett: Genesis Revisited live 2019, 20 US-shows and one further show in Toronto announced.

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April 2019

22 April – Kursaal Oostende Oostende, BELGIUM – Tickets

23 April – Laeiszhalle Hamburg, GERMANY – Tickets

24 April – TonHalle Munich, GERMANY – Tickets

26 April – Hegel – Saal Stuttgart, GERMANY – Tickets

27 April – Museumsquartie Vienna, AUSTRIA – Tickets

29 April – Auditorium Conciliazione Rome, ITALY – Tickets 

30 April – Auditorium Europa Bologna, ITALY – Tickets

May 2019

2 May – Teatro Colosseo Torino, ITALY – Tickets 

3 May – Teatro Creberg Bergamo, ITALY – Tickets 

5 May – Haus Auensee Leipzig, GERMANY – Tickets

6 May – Earth Hall Poznan, POLAND – Tickets

7 May – Klub Studio Krakow, POLAND – Tickets

9 May – Compensa Hall Vilnius, LITHUANIA – Tickets

10 May – Alexela Concert Hall Tallinn, ESTONIA – Tickets

11 May – Circus Helsinki, FINLAND – Tickets

13 May – Nalen Stockholm, SWEDEN – * SOLD OUT *

14 May – Sentrum Scene Oslo, NORWAY – Tickets

15 May – Pustervik Gothenburg, SWEDEN – Tickets

16 May – Amager Bio Copenhagen, DENMARK – Tickets

18 May – Posten Odense, DENMARK – Tickets

19 May – Train Aarhus, DENMARK – Tickets

21 May – Lichtburg Essen, GERMANY – * SOLD OUT *

22 May – Cultuurpodium Boerderij Zoetermeer, NETHERLANDS – * SOLD OUT *

23 May – Cultuurpodium Boerderij Zoetermeer, NETHERLANDS – * SOLD OUT *

24 May – Cultuurpodium Boerderij Zoetermeer, NETHERLANDS – * SOLD OUT *

26 May – Rockhal Club Esch-sur-Alzette, LUXEMBOURG – Tickets

27 May – Trianon Paris, FRANCE – Tickets

28 May – Volkshaus Zurich, SWITZERLAND – Tickets

29 May – Zitadelle (outdoor venue) Mainz, GERMANY – Tickets

31 May – Hall 1, National Palace of Culture (NDK Hall 1) Sofia, BULGARIA – Tickets

June 2019

5 June – Mediterranean Conference Centre (MCC) Valletta, MALTA – Tickets

September 2019

12 September – Riviera Theatre, North Tonawanda, NY, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

13 September – State Theatre, Ithaca, NY, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

15 September – Grand Theatre de Quebec, Quebec, CANADA
Tickets (English)
Tickets (French)

17 September – Oakville Centre for Performing Arts, Oakville, CANADA – Tickets

18 September – Oakville Centre for Performing Arts, Oakville, CANADA – Tickets

20 September – Danforth Music Hall, Toronto, CANADA – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

21 September – Place des Arts Theatre Maisonneuve, Montreal, CANADA – * SOLD OUT *

22 September – Place des Arts Theatre Maisonneuve, Montreal, CANADA – Tickets

24 September – Wilbur Theatre, Boston, MA, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019 – (Pre-sale code: BOSTON)

25 September – Beacon Theatre, NYC, NY, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

26 September – The Ridgefield Playhouse, Ridgefield, CT, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

27 September – Keswick Theatre, Glenside, PA, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

28 September – Keswick Theatre, Glenside, PA, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

October 2019

1 October – Carnegie Music Hall of Homestead, Munhall, PA, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019 – (Pre-sale code: musichall)

2 October – Masonic Auditorium, Cleveland, OH, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

3 October – 20 Monroe Live, Grand Rapids, MI, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

4 October – The Pabst Theatre, Milwaukee, WI, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019 (pre-sale code: GENESIS)

5 October – The Copernicus Center, Chicago, IL, US – Tickets – Onsale: 8 February 2019

7 October – Pantages Theatre of Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019 – (Pre-sale code: WALRUS)

10 October – Moore Theatre, Seattle, WA, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019 – (Pre-sale code: WALRUS)

11 October – Vogue Theatre, Vancouver, CANADA – Tickets (pre-sale code: STEVEHACKETT)

12 October – Revolution Hall, Portland, OR, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

16 October – Fox Tucson Theatre, Tucson, AZ, US – Ticket link to follow

17 October – The Van Buren, Phoenix, AZ, US – Tickets – Onsale: 8 February 2019

18 October – Orpheum Theatre, Los Angeles, CA, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

19 October – Crest Theatre, Sacramento, CA, US – Ticket link to follow

20 October – Fox Theater, Oakland, CA, US – Tickets – Onsale: 1 February 2019

November 2019

2 November – Waterside Aylesbury, UK – Tickets

3 November – Leas Cliff Hall Folkestone, UK – Tickets

5 November – City Hall Sheffield, UK – Tickets

6 November – Corn Exchange Cambridge, UK – Tickets

8 November – De Montford Hall Leicester, UK – Tickets

9 November – St. David’s Hall Cardiff, UK – Tickets

11 November – Philharmonic Liverpool, UK – Tickets

12 November – Dome Brighton, UK – Tickets

13 November – Guildhall Portsmouth, UK – Tickets

15 November – City Hall Salisbury, UK – Tickets

16 November – Hexagon Reading, UK – Tickets

18 November – Symphony Hall Birmingham, UK – Tickets

19 November – Barbican York, UK – Tickets

20 November – Forum Bath, UK – Tickets

22 November – Victoria Theatre Halifax, UK – Tickets

23 November – The Sage Gateshead, UK – Tickets

25 November – Usher Hall Edinburgh, UK – Tickets

26 November – Bridgewater Hall Manchester, UK – Tickets

27 November – Cliffs Pavilion Southend, UK – Tickets

29 November – Hammersmith Eventim Apollo London, UK – Tickets

From the website: 

Setting off on 22nd April, Steve and his band will perform in 31 shows in 17 countries.

For the first time ever, Steve will perform the seminal Genesis album Selling England By The Pound in its entirety. Released in 1973, the album went to No. 3 in the UK charts, has been described as ‘the definitive Genesis album.’ It includes firm favourites such as Dancing with the Moonlit KnightFirth of FifthCinema Show and, of course, I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe). Other favourite classic Genesis tracks will also feature in the show.

2019 also marks the 40th anniversary of one of Steve’s most popular solo albums Spectral Mornings and Steve will rightly celebrate this milestone by performing some of the masterpieces from the album.

Fans will also be treated to highlights from Steve’s new album, to be released in 2019. Steve explains,

 “I’m thrilled to be performing the whole of my favourite Genesis album, SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND, which caught the attention of John Lennon in 1973. I felt that I was now playing guitar in the world’s best band, and everything was opening up for us…

Also I look forward to playing all the favourite songs from SPECTRAL MORNINGS, marking its anniversary, plus new album tasters, as well as additional Genesis gems in a terrific grand slam!.”

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Horizons Radio’s fans interview Steve Hackett about new album & upcoming tour

Here are some questions from Horizons Radio’s fans to Steve Hackett about the new album and upcoming tour.


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Paul Markwick: After so many fantastic albums, how difficult is it to create new original music?

Hi Paul,
Not difficult because new creative ideas continue to flow in from conversations, journeys, people, books, music etc…

Lylywhite: I was wondering to what extent your intense travelling around the world inspires your creative work, in terms of culture, people, sounds, colours, local music and so on. Is there a country that particularly impressed you from a musical standpoint?

Hi Lylywhite,
Travel is always an inspiration. There are so many different cultures, landscapes, creative people, musical genres, histories, spiritual ideas etc… Countries which particularly inspired musical ideas include, India, Ethiopia, Peru, Greece, Iceland, Mexico, Jordan, Egypt, Australia and the States… But all countries I have visited engender new musical ideas, and people with instruments from countries I haven’t yet seen, such as Malik Mansurov with his tar from Azerbaijan.

Nick Zales: How do you choose who is in your touring band?

Hi Nick,
I listen to recommendations and check out people’s work.

Julian Ziegler: Will you ever do a full Genesis revisited set again like Loreley 2015?

Hi Julian,
It is likely that I will again down the line.

Stefano Cerioni: What was the creative moment or aspect that you loved the most with Genesis?

Hi Stefano,
Writing, recording and touring Selling England by the Pound.

Massimiliano Pasini: Do you prefer to play the electric guitar or the classical guitar? Be honest!

Hi Massimiliano,
I really can’t choose. I love them both equally!

Iacopo De Bona: How did you learn to play guitar? Was it classical or immediately electric? Did you teach yourself or did you have a teacher?

Hi Iacopo,
I taught myself the guitar, inspired by various guitarists of the time like Hank Marvin and Brian Jones.

By Eugenio Delmale

Copyright Horizons Radio – RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA

Steve Hackett, NEW album At The Edge Of Light. BUY NOW.

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Ascolta Genesis & Co. su:

Angolo del Collezionista: gli album dei tour di oggi su:

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Marco Minnemann: “Rehearsing for the upcoming Steve Hackett shows” – VIDEO

Marco Minnemann rehearsing for the upcoming Steve Hackett shows in February on the ‘Cruise To The Edge’ and ‘On The Blue’.  VIDEO.


By HR Newsroom

Via Facebook:

Steve Hackett: interviews about album & tour.

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Angolo del Collezionista: gli album dei tour di oggi su:

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HR Press Review, Steve Hackett: NEW interviews about upcoming album & tour

Steve Hackett: interviews about album & tour.


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Angolo del Collezionista: gli album dei tour di oggi su:

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Introducing Craig Blundell, Steve Hackett’s new drummer for next year’s tour – INFO, VIDEO & SOCIAL

Craig Blundell is Steve Hackett’s new drummer for next year’s tour.  More info.



November 2018: “I’m excited to announce that Craig Blundell will be drumming for us throughout the 2019 Tour! Craig has won countless magazine polls around the world and is in very high demand. He played on 39 different projects in 2018 and is the current touring and recording drummer for Steven Wilson. Voted by modern drummer and rhythm magazine readers as one of the top progressive and forward thinking drummers in the world…”

Craig Blundell has been playing drums since the age of 3 and is now recognized in the top handful of  “Progressive” drummers, educators and clinicians in the world… MORE

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For more info on Craig, go to:

Steve Hackett aveva rivelato, attraverso i social, che il batterista Gary O’Toole lascia la band. Propri con album e impegni live in arrivo.

Intervista a Gary O’Toole – LEGGI

Steve Hackett, il nuovo album: At The Edge Of Light. Uscita prevista per il 25 gennaio 2019.


Following the tremendous success of 2017’s ‘The Night Siren’ (charted at #22 in Germany, #28 in the UK), legendary former Genesis guitarist Steve Hackett announces the release of his new studio album ‘At The Edge Of Light’ on the 25th January 2019. The album which features ten songs, sees Steve unite a vast amount of styles ranging from guitar driven rock to epic orchestration, from world music to the reflective and atmospheric all brought together in Steve Hackett’s unique style.

Steve says: “In these dangerous times, deep shadows feel even sharper than usual and we find ourselves standing at the edge of light… The contrast between dark and light weaves its way throughout the album in many ways, from the sense of good fighting evil through to the interplay of dark and light opposites magically combining in cultures, including the heartbeat of India and primal tribal rhythms. Ultimately, this album embraces the need for all musical forms and cultures to connect and celebrate the wonder of unity in this divided world.”

At The Edge Of Light is released in a number of formats including a Mediabook CD plus extra DVD with 5.1 surround sound mix & behind the scenes documentary, double vinyl LP + CD, Jewelcase CD and digital album.

Steve Hackett has established himself as one of Rock music’s finest and recognisable guitarists through his time with the legendary Genesis who he joined in 1971 and a solo career following his departure from Genesis in 1977 and is a hugely influential guitarist particularly in the Progressive Rock genre. ‘At The Edge Of Light’ will be Hackett’s 26th studio album in a solo career that began in 1975 with the release of his debut solo album Voyage Of The Acolyte.

‘At The Edge Of Light’ was mainly recorded in Steve’s own studio but also around the world. The album features international artists, including Durga and Loreley of Pink Floyd vocal fame with drummers Nick D’Virgilio and Simon Phillips from USA, Sheema on sitar from India, Icelandic drummer/percussionist Gulli Briem, tar player Malik Mansurov and Swedish bass player Jonas Reingold… This album also features Paul Stillwell on didgeridoo, Rob Townsend on sax, bass clarinet and duduk, Amanda Lehmann on vocals, John Hackett on flute, drummer Gary O’Toole, Roger King and Ben Fenner on keyboards, Dick Driver on double bass, violinist and viola player Christine Townsend… All magically honed and engineered by Roger King.

Full Track Listing:

1. Fallen Walls and Pedestals
2. Beasts In Our Time
3. Under The Eye of the Sun
4. Underground Railroad
5. Those Golden Wings
6. Shadow and Flame
7. Hungry Years
8. Descent
9. Conflict
10. Peace

Steve Hackett a lavoro sul nuovo album: foto e commenti dai social.

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Angolo del Collezionista: gli album dei tour di oggi su:

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